Friday, March 29, 2013


   Not long ago I was quoted by life coach Robyn Holley on her facebook page. This was the first time I have been quoted, and as a casual writer may know, it's a pretty cool feeling. This may be one of the first steps (along with this blog) in getting my letters out from the bottom of this forest well I live in (very damp, not too good for keeping notebooks) and into the eyes, ears, minds, and noses of you humans.
Graphics by Robyn Holley.

~Evie Rooks

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Welcome to the Wishing-Well

On this blog you may find,
Costumes and tales that are quite divine.
If it is writing tips you seek,
Or tales of a fairy's walk along the beach,
Or how to transform yourself into an elf,
Or how to re-organize your bookshelf,
Or how to bind and restore a book,
Or how to find that secret nook,
Or how to weave the magic of a child's soul,
Or what goes on inside the home of a mole.
You will find these answers and explanations, and many more,
Be prepared for what is in store.

~Evie Rooks
~The Insolitus Lupus